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Beaches on the Atlantic Ocean
Access path to Pertuis Maumusson beach near the campsite in Oléron
View of Matha beach in Oléron near the campsite
Family on the sand of a beach near the campsite in Oléron
Fine sand beach on the island of Oléron near the campsite
Little girl running near the sea on a beach in Oléron
Sand dune on Saint-Trojan beach in Oléron

The Atlantic and the Beaches near the campsite

Little girl bathing by the sea on a beach near the campsite in Oléron

Discover the beaches of Oléron from the Aqua 3 Masses campsite

Do you like the beach, the sun and swimming? At the Aqua 3 Masses campsite, you can enjoy the best the Atlantic coastline has to offer. Most of the beaches on the Île d'Oléron boast a Pavillon Bleu certification which guarantees clean water and beaches.

You could for example take your family to the beach at La Rémigeasse. The sea is calm and the sand is fine. It it large enough that you can stroll along at your own pace, and gaze at the seemingly endless ocean. It is surrounded by dunes, on which the coastal flora of Oléron continues to bloom.

The more lively beach at Saint-Denis is lined with small boutiques, a marina and has its own bar. The water is not very deep and you could bask in the sun with family or friends, sip a drink or do a little shopping between dips in the sea.

Nudists will appreciate Saumonards beach, on the edge of the forest, or the famous "Culs-Nuls" beach close to Saint-Trojan forest.

On the island of Oléron, resorts with class!

Beach resorts along the coast, both on the Oléron island and on the mainland, the beaches are sandy, clean and beautiful, and this is also the Charente Maritime.

Many beaches await you close to Oléron and the campsite, including Marennes and La Tremblade, at the mouth of the Seudre River.

After a session of fishing on foot you can take a walk on the beautiful hiking trails and visit the Oléron heritages sites. The flora of the coast offers remarkable plants, such as the Carnation of the dunes, the field Alyssum or the Asparagus Prostrate.

Matha beach near the campsite in Oléron
Cyclist on a cycle path by the sea in Oléron
Group of surfers on a beach in Saint-Pierre d'Oléron
Cycle path with bicycles in front of access to the beach in Oléron
Lifeguard on a supervised beach in Oléron
Beach huts by the sea on the island of Oléron
Bicycles in front of a beach on the island of Oléron
Child and his father cycling on a cycle path in front of a beach in Oléron