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Culture & sports
Sand yachting on Royan beach
La Palmyre Zoo
Château de la Roche-Courbon
Tropical fish at the La Rochelle Aquarium
La Cotinière port lighthouse
A little girl at the water's edge with a bodyboard

Culture and sports in Oléron and in Charente Maritime

Mother and her daughter during a cultural visit near Oléron

This area is, of course, rich in culture.
All cultural expressions can be found here.

Museums in Charente Maritime

Witnesses of a rich heritage and rich traditions and many lively museums, which will surely interest children and adults.

The Museum of Oleron situated at St Pierre d'Oléron, but also the Pierre Loti museum in Rochefort, are witness of the hard work of the marines, which certainly interest young and old.

The Museum of Fine Arts in La Rochelle offers a fascinating view on how art links all generations.
The Maritime Museum in La Rochelle exposes the maritime traditions of the region.

The Archaeological Museum in Saintes will surprise you with its originality.

And finally, in the oyster museum situated in Bourcefranc le Chapus you will discover all the secrets of the oyster aquaculture.

Amusement parks in Oléron

Amusement parks are also witness of a rich and preserved nature.

Often fun, sometimes educational, it is always with great enthusiasm and joy that you will discover these beautiful parks: The adventure park in the trees ‘Châteaubranche’ in Marennes, the little touristic train in Saint Trojan les Bains, paintball in Saint Pierre d'Oleron (the Sweet Marsh), The Iléo water park in Dolus d'Oleron, the Bird Marshes ‘les Marais aux Oiseaux’ at the Sweet Marshes (Marais Doux, Saint Pierre d'Oléron) and the Fun park in the heart of the forest (St Trojan les Bains).

Baby lemur with its mother at the Palmyre zoo

The campsite recommands the zoo of la Palmyre:

The best zoo in Europe is to be found in Palmyra. In case you do not know about it, you will be impressed by the vastness of the zoo and the hundreds of animal species, the one even more surprising than the other.

Clown fish at the La Rochelle aquarium

The aquarium of La Rochelle

The aquarium of La Rochelle is one of the finest on the Atlantic coast, with over 600 species, from the seven seas.

Don't miss the great sharks show !

Regional Activities in Charentes

You will never get tired of going from visit to visit and discover our rich heritage and you will really be surprised by the different facets of the region.

With very different topics, there will be new discoveries at each time: the Royal Rope factory “la Corderie Royale”, the fortification Fort Boyard, the Lighthouse “le Phare de Cordouan”, the site of the Hermione (a ship on which La Fayette embarked in 1780 situated in Rochefort), the carriers of Crazannes, the Saltmarshes (Ile d 'Oléron) and the prehistoric site Paléosite (Saintes).

Bike ride to the citadel of Chateau d’Oleron
Interior of the Cordouan lighthouse near Oléron
Path leading to the Chassiron lighthouse in Oléron
La Salorge salt marshes at Port des Salines
The Corderie Royale in Rochefort
Sailboat sailing in front of Fort Boyard
The little tourist train of the Château d’Oleron citadel
Maritime Museum of La Rochelle near Oléron

Castles near Oléron and Marennes

Because the region of Poitou-Charentes has a rich and eventful history, it has a high architectural heritage also and there are many castles to visit: the Château de la Roche Courbon, the Château de Crazannes and the Château de la Gataudière.

Religious heritage of the Charente

The same for our religious heritage: A Huguenot and Catholic region, history has left its religious marks here also: The Notre Dame abbey at Saintes, the Royal abbey at Saint Jean d'Angely, the church of Saint-Pierre de Sales Marennes, the Church of St. Saturnin, the church of Saint-Denis d'Oleron, the church of Saint-Georges d'Oleron and the citadel situated in Brouage.

Maritime Heritage

Defending themselves against the elements against a sea to which the people of Charente and Oléron, throughout different generations, had to adapt and to build to defend themselves or to sustain the regional economy, here are some more interesting visits: The fish locks (North side of the island), the fortification Fort Boyard in Oléron, the fortification Fort Louvois in Bourcefranc, the Chassiron lighthouse in Oleron, the Mills Lodges “les Moulins des Loges” in St Just Luzac and the Bird Marshes ‘les Marais aux Oiseaux’ in Oléron.

Regional Activities on the Atlantic Coast

The ponds of Marennes, the oyster farms and the City of the Oyster “la Cité de l’Huître” (Marennes).

Water Activities

The aquatic and nautical themes are obviously numerous.

There are many water sports, and if you are a fan, you will be amazed by all the possibilities available to you: Surfing (Dolus, Vert bois, Grand village, jet skiing at la Cotinière, Boyardville), windsurfing, sand yachting, sea kayaking, hiking in nature at the strait on the Atlantic coast “le Pertuis d'Antioch”, around the most outer part of the coast line “la pointe de Chassiron” and of course everywhere else on the island: The natural reserve of Moëze-Oléron, the oyster farming channels and surf casting fishing...

Recreational Harbours

The harbour du Château d'Oléron, the harbour of Douhet, the harbour of Boyardville, the harbour of Cotinière and last but not least the harbour of Saint Denis D'Oléron.

Horse Riding Clubs

There are 113 equestrian centres in the Charente-Maritime to demonstrate the passion of the local people for this animal, the friend of mankind. Some of the close by horse riding clubs: The club Le Paddock in St Pierre d'Oléron, the SH Oléronaise in St Pierre d'Oléron, the l’Élevage de la Bonn in Dolus d'Oléron and finally the l’Éperon Dolusien in Dolus.

Sand yachting on a beach in Charente Maritime
Cycling on a cycle path in Charente Maritime
Person walking in wetsuit at the water's edge near Oléron
Surf instructor with his student in Oléron
Horse and its rider in the evening on a beach in Charente Maritime
Sailboat with old rigging in Boyardville
Jet-ski off the coast of Oléron
Saint-Denis marina in Oléron

Cinemas, casinos and golf courses

This is another way to spend wonderful moments in the Charente Maritime, at: The Cinema Mega CGR and the Cinema CGR Dragon in La Rochelle, The Apollo cinema in Rochefort, the Eldorado cinema in Saint-Pierre d'Oleron, the Estran cinema in Marennes and the cinema l’Atlantic Cineé in Saintes.
Furthermore The Fouras Casino and the Casino La Tremblade
The bowling centre in Dolus d'Oléron
The golf course of the Island of Oleron.

The Grand Pavois, is one of the largest international afloat boat shows in La Rochelle during the month of September...

Each year the Atlantica exhibition brings together the professionals of tourism in La Rochelle, thus, reflecting the dynamism of the region and of its tourism.

The World championship of fireworks in Royan.

The Shipyard Hermione with the recreation of a ship from the seventeenth century. It is an enormous achievement and a great performance of craftsmanship.

The well known music festival Francopholies of La Rochelle expresses all the Francophone cultural potential.

The festivals with Les Binuchards (rock band) and the festival le Violon sur le Sable (a symphony show) are also interesting events that you might want to visit.

The horse racing track L’Hippodrome of Royan gathers the real passionate fans of horse racing.

The Luna Park (an amusement park) offers a wealth of recreational facilities. These are moments of pure madness to foresee for kids and adults.

The Sea Festival in Cotinière is an exceptional moment during which the local people from Oléron honour the ocean with a special celebration.